#Pharma & Life Sciences What is telemedicine What is telemedicine? Telemedicine offers healthcare using digital devices such as computers and smartphones. In most cases, telemedicine uses video admin / 11 months Comment (0) (271)
#Pharma & Life Sciences Oncologists channel Oliver Oncologists channel Oliver, asking pharma for more NSCLC drugs, more resources, more research U.S. oncologists treating non-small cell lung cancer admin / 11 months Comment (0) (456)
#Pharma & Life Sciences Providing a Pathway to Patient Connectivity and Adherence Today, gaining consistent access to life-saving medications can be a significant hurdle that many patients must learn to navigate. This admin / 11 months Comment (0) (386)
#Pharma & Life Sciences Social Anxiety What is social anxiety disorder or social phobia?Many people get nervous or self-conscious on occasion, like when giving a speech admin / 11 months Comment (0) (316)
#Pharma & Life Sciences Stress and constipation may worsen menopause symptoms, study finds Does stress make menopause symptoms worse? Researchers of the current study sought to “evaluate whether there is a relationship between admin / 11 months Comment (0) (231)
#Pharma & Life Sciences Platform Mobile Health Apps Cross-Platform Mobile Health Apps Mobile health has reached a new peak over the past few years and steadily continues its admin / 12 months Comment (0) (359)